Thus, in the January, February, and March, 1888 issues of the Watch Tower, Russell presented a series of studies under the title "About Hell". In that series of studies, Russell did not deny what the Bible says about hell, but rather he examined every scripture that contains the Hebrew word sheol, and the Greek words hades, Gehenna, lake of fire, etc. He endeavored to show from the Bible itself what the Bible hell is, while at the same time showing that what is often thought of as hell is not in the Bible. What Russell denied was the various traditional views of man regarding hell, which are not found in the Bible, except that one uses the spirit of human imagination and create assumptions in order to "see" such ideas in the Bible.
Russell later presented a double issue of the Watch Tower (February 1 & 15, 1893), again showing what the Bible hell is. Nevertheless, he did not deny the existence of the Bible hell, but he did deny the existence of the kind of hell that man's dogma presents.
Russell later presented basically the same material in his book, The Atonement Between God and Man, with some added details. Still, however, he did not deny the existence of the Bible hell, he only discussed what the scriptures say that the Bible hell is.
For links to many of Russell's studies that are related to the Bible hell (hades and sheol), Gehenna, Lake of Fire, etc., see our resource page: Russell Regarding Hell, Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Lake of Fire.
We believe that Brother Russell was basically correct, although we believe that he fell short in many respects, in that he did not present everything in such a way that it actually addressed the arguments that many present for "seeing" a hell of eternal suffering in the Bible. We have expanded on Russell's studies, giving more detail and refuting some of the arguments of those who wish to uphold adding to and blending into Scripture the Hellenistic mythology. See our studies related to The Biblical Resurrection Hope. See especially the topical pages listed at the top: "Sheol", "Hades", "Gehenna", "Lake of Fire", and the study, "Tartaroo Versus Tararus".
For links to many of Russell's studies that are related to the Bible hell (hades and sheol), Gehenna, Lake of Fire, etc., see our resource page: Russell Regarding Hell, Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Lake of Fire.
We believe that Brother Russell was basically correct, although we believe that he fell short in many respects, in that he did not present everything in such a way that it actually addressed the arguments that many present for "seeing" a hell of eternal suffering in the Bible. We have expanded on Russell's studies, giving more detail and refuting some of the arguments of those who wish to uphold adding to and blending into Scripture the Hellenistic mythology. See our studies related to The Biblical Resurrection Hope. See especially the topical pages listed at the top: "Sheol", "Hades", "Gehenna", "Lake of Fire", and the study, "Tartaroo Versus Tararus".